557 research outputs found


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    Pemeranan tokoh Anggun yang terdapat dalam naskah Perempuan Dalam Bingkai Jendela karya Edy Suisno merupakan sebuah bentuk proses kreatif pada pertunjukan seni teater. Setelah melakukan analisis terhadap tokoh yang terdapat dalam naskah, penggunaan konsep dan metode yang sesuai akan mempengaruhi perwujudan dari tokoh tersebut. Pendekatan akting dari Randai Minangkabau merupakan rujukan untuk menunjang cara kerja mewujudkan tokoh Anggun di atas panggung

    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Ujian Semester Menggunakan Computer Based Test

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelaksanaan  ujian  semester berbasis komputer atau Computer Based Test (CBT),  kesiapan siswa dalam mengikuti UTS CBT dan PBT, keefektivan penggunaan CBT pelaksanaan ujian semester di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang. Subjek pada kajian studi ini ialah mahasiswa semester 5  Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan . Objek penelitian ini adalah penggunaan CBT dalam pelaksanaan Ujian Semester. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan dalam metode observasi,  kuisioner  dan  dokumentasi.    Tahap  analisis  data  meliputi persiapan dan kajian literatur, mengembangkan instrumen penelitian, penyebaran angket menggunakan Google Form, melakukan kajian dan analisis data dan pengambilan simpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan  CBT sebagi media dalam pelaksanaan ujian semester berjalan dengan efektif. Hal ini ditunjukkan melalui hasil angket repon mahasiswa, dimana hampir 78 % mahasiswa merasa senang saat mengikuti ujian manggunakan CBT. Selain itu  pengoperasiaan CBT yang mudah membuat pelaksanaan ujian menggunakan CBT  parktis dan efisien

    Penerapan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik (Pmr) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 029 Sungai Agas Kecamatan Kubu

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    This research is motivated by lowmathematics learning outcomes ofstudents, with an average grade of 56.5. While the completeness criteria Minimumvalue (KKM) Mathematics is 65 Among students who totaled 20 people only 7students who achieve KKM with classical completeness 35%. This research isClassroom Action Research (CAR) conducted aims to improve learning outcomesMathematics Elementary School fourth grade students Agas River 029 withRealistic Mathematics learning approach. Data collection instruments in thisthesis is the sheet activities of teachers and students and learning outcomes. Thisthesis presents the results obtained by studying the average learning outcomesbefore action 56.5 9.54% increase to 62 in cycle I. In the second cycle increasedby 34.27% to an average of 76. activities of teachers in the first cycle the firstmeeting of the percentage 64.2% obtained with either category, the secondmeeting had become 71.4%. Furthermore, the first meeting of the second cycleactivity score of 85.71% of teachers increased by either category once, at thesecond meeting increased to 92.8% with bik category once. The results of the dataanalysis of student activity in the first cycle to 53.5% with good category, 64.2%in the second meeting the students already understand this cycle of learningactivities with the application of learning approaches PMR. And the second cyclestudents activity score increased 82.1% excellent category. At the second meetingincreased to 92.8% with the excellent category. The results of the study at 029River Elementary School fourth grade Segajah prove that the application of arealistic approach to mathematics learning can improve learning outcomes Math029 fourth grade students of SDN Agas River

    Penerapan Pendekatan Contexstual Teaching and Learning (Ctl) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 019 Teluk Piyai Kecamatan Kubu

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    This study departed from low yields social studies students, with anaverage value of 64.05 class. While the value of minimum completeness criteria(KKM) IPS is 65 Aiming to improve learning outcomes IPS 019 fourth gradestudents of SDN Gulf Piyai Kubu district of Rokan Hilir. Formulation of theproblem: Is the application of CTL learning model to improve learning outcomesIPS 019 fourth grade students of SDN Gulf Piyai Kubu district of Rokan Hilir.Improved learning outcomes before PTK with an average of 64.05 with thecategory of less than one cycle after an increase by an average of 70.75 withenough categories and the second cycle with an average of 82.25 with very goodcategory. Overall, therefore, an increase in student learning outcomes from abase score of 6.7 and kesiklus one of two kesiklus base score of 18.2. While theactivities of students in the first cycle with an average of 68.75% in the secondcycle with an average of 83.33%. While the activity of the teacher on the firstcycle with an average 72.91% in the second cycle reaches 87.49%. These resultsprove that the application of CTL Learning Model can improve learning outcomesIPS 019 fourth grade students of SDN Gulf Piyai Kubu district Rokan Hilir

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara melalui Permainan Wayang Kertas pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Paud Harapan Kelurahan Sukamulia Kecamatan Sail Kotamadya Pekanbaru

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    Abstrack : This study aims to determine how much Effect Paper Puppet Play in children aged 5-6 years against Speech Child. This study consists of two variables: Puppet Play Paper and Speech. The hypothesis proposed in this study are as follows: Games of paper puppets can enhance the ability to speak in children aged 5-6 years in early childhood Hope, Village Sukamulia, District municipality Sail, Pekanbaru. The study involved 20 sabjek ie 506 year olds in early childhood Sukamulia Village, District municipality Sail, Pekanbaru. Methods of data collection in this study using observation. Data collection techniques in this research use descriptive qualitative data.The results showed no significant positive relationship between the game Puppet Paper with Speech in children aged 5-6 years in early childhood in Hope, Village Sukamulia, District municipality Sail, Pekanbaru. From the above data analysis is known to occur upgrades speaking children aged 5-6 years through a paper puppet game. The average rate earned on pre-cycle activity reached 33.75% in the category yet Evolving (BB), then the first cycle average rate reached 40.68% are in category Start Evolving (MB) and the second cycle the average rate of return increased to 63.18%

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Peta Konsep Dapat Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV Mi Muhammadiyah Sungai Segajah Kecamatan Kubu

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    Classroom action researchwas conducted because of the low sciencelearning outcomes of students with an average of 58.8 olehkurangnya causedstudent interest in learning and lack of problem solving abilities of students inlearning science. To improve the learning outcomes of the fourth grade scienceSegajah River MI Muhammadiyah Kubu district, the school year 2013/2014Concept maps applied learning models. This study was conducted from April toJune 2014 subjects were fourth graders totaling 17 people. Average studentlearning outcomes in daily test first cycle is 72.4 with a good category. While onthe second cycle of daily test students increased to 76.8 with either category. Forthe average teacher activity in the first cycle is 68.8 pertemua first with enoughcategories, at the second meeting increased to 75, while the second cycle to thefourth meeting of teachers has increased activity with both categories is 81.2, thefifth meeting of the 87, 5 with very good category. While the activities of studentsin the first cycle is 62.5 pertemua first with enough categories, at the secondmeeting increased to 68.8. While in the second cycle to the fourth meeting of thestudent activity increased to 75 with either category, the fifth meeting of the 81.2with either category. From this study it can be concluded that the application ofthe concept map learning model to improve learning outcomes IPA fourth gradestudents of Muhammadiyah River MI Segajah Kubu district
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